5 Minute Madressa for the 21st of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History The first pledge of Aqaba Aqaba is a place close to Mina where 6 people from Madinah accepted Islaam at the hand of Rasulullaah (SAW) 11 years after he started his mission. The following year 12 people arrived at the same place to pledge their... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 20th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic HistoryIslaam spreads in MadinahThe Aws and Khazraj tribes as well as several Jewish tribes occupied Madinah. Whenever the Aws and Khazraj tribes came up in conflict with any of the Jewish tribes, the Jews would threaten them by saying that as soon as the... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 19th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic HistoryConveying the Message of Islaam during the Hajj SeasonWhen Rasulullaah(SAW) saw that the Kuffaar of the Quraysh remained adamant in their opposition, he used the Hajj season to propagate Islaam amongst the many tribes that came to Makkah from... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 18th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History Mi’raajThe journey Rasulullaah (SAW) made through the heavens is referred to as the Mi’raaj, which is explicitly referred to in the Qur’aan. Rasulullaah (SAW) was 51 years and 9 months of age when he mounted the steed Buraaq from between the... read more