5 Minute Madressa for the 27th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History Rasulullaah (SAW) leaves the cave of Thowr Rasulullaah (SAW) spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in the cave of Thowr and then left for Madinah when things had quietened down in Makkah. Abdullaah bin Urayqit was an expert guide and Hadhrat Abu Bakr... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 26th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History Rasulullaah (SAW) in the cave of Thowr The Mushrikeen were searching desperately for Rasulullaah (SAW) and Hadhrat Abu Bakr (RA) as the two hid in the cave of Thowr. In fact, they were right at the entrance of the cave when Hadhrat Abu Bakr(RA)... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 25th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History The Hijrah of Rasulullaah (SAW) When Allaah granted Rasulullaah (SAW) the permission to migrate to Madinah, he informed Hadhrat Abu Bakr (RA) that they would be travelling together and the necessary preparations were made. They eventually left at... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 24th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History The plan to assassinate Rasulullaah (SAW) When the Quraysh learnt that Rasulullaah (SAW) was also planning to migrate to Madinah, they became very concerned that when Islaam gains a firm foothold in Madinah, the Muslims would eventually march on... read more