5 Minute Madressa for the 15th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic HistoryThe Year of GriefRasulullaah (SAW)’s wife Hadhrat Khadeeja (RA) and his uncle Abu Taalib were always by his side to support him. After they had left the valley, Abu Taalib fell ill and was on his deathbed when Rasulullaah (SAW) came to him. “Dear... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 14th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic HistoryThe boycott of the Banu HaashimDespite the harassment of the Mushrikeen, Islaam continued to spread at a rapid pace amongst the people of Makkah. Frustrated, the tribes of Makkah decided to exile the family of Rasulullaah (SAW) and all the Muslims... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 9th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic HistoryThe difficulties that the Kuffaar gave to Rasulullaah (SAW)Although the people of all the Ambiyaa (AS)treated them with hostility, the worst treatment given to any of the Ambiyaa (AS)was the manner in which the Mushrikeen of Makkah harmed... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 8th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History The discussion with Abu Taalib the uncle of Rasulullaah (SAW)Ignoring the opposition from the Kuffaar, Rasulullaah (SAW) persistently tried convincing them not to worship idols and to accept the true Deen. The leaders of the Quraysh then... read more