5 Minute Madressa for the 5th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History After the first revelationBecause the revelation in the Cave of Hira was the first such experience Rasulullaah (SAW) had ever had, he was naturally frightened. He therefore hastened home, where he bade his wife Hadhrat Khadeejah (RA) to cover him.... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 4th of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History The Beginning of ProphethoodWhen the people of the world had reached the limits of deviation and corruption, Allaah decided to guide them by removing them from the darkness of Kufr and Shirk and bringing them into the light of Imaan and Towheed.... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 3rd of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History Rasulullaah (SAW) in the Cave of HiraAs the time drew closer for Rasulullaah (SAW) to announce his Nabuwaat (Prophethood), Rasulullaah (SAW) developed the desire to remain in solitude, where he would attain great peace. He would often take... read more
5 Minute Madressa for the 2nd of Rabi Ul Aakhir
(1) Islaamic History A Historical decisionA few years before Rasulullaah (SAW) announced his Nabuwaat (Prophethood), the need arose to reconstruct the Kabah. All the tribes of Makkah lent a hand in the construction and worked amicably together until the time came to... read more