(1) Islaamic History A Historical decision
A few years before Rasulullaah (SAW) announced his Nabuwaat (Prophethood), the need arose to reconstruct the Kabah. All the tribes of Makkah lent a hand in the construction and worked amicably together until the time came to place the Hajar Aswad. It was then that a dispute arose since each tribe wanted this honour. Swords were drawn and bloodshed was imminent when one of the elders advised that the decision would be given to the first person who entered the Haram the following morning. When the people saw that the first person to enter was Rasulullaah (SAW), they all concurred, “It is Ameen (the trustworthy). We shall all be pleased with his decision.” Rasulullaah (SAW) then asked for a shawl, upon which the Hajar Aswad was placed. The leader of each tribe then collectively held the shawl and carried it to the Kabah. Rasulullaah (SAW) then took it and put it in its place. In this way, he managed to avert a potential crisis.
(2) Rasulullaah (SAW)’s Miracle No white hairs even after 100 years
Hadhrat Amr bin Tha’labah (RA) reports that he met Rasulullaah (SAW) at a pace called Sayaalah, where he accepted Islaam. Rasulullaah (SAW) then placed his hand upon the head of Hadhrat Amr (RA) and he related further that even after he had reached the age of 100, the hairs upon which Rasulullaah (SAW) had placed his blessed hand never turned white.
[Bayhaqi 2473]
(3) A Fardh Performing the Fajr and Asr Salaahs regularly
Rasulullaah (SAW) said that the person who regularly performs the Salaah before sunrise (Fajr) and the Salaah before sunset (Asr) will never be admitted into Jahannam.
[Muslim 1436, from Hadhrat Ammaara bin Ruwayya (RA)]
(4) A Sunnah Du’aa for Aafiya in both worlds
Rasulullaah (SAW) stated that the following Du’aa is the best a slave can ask from Allaah:
اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنّيْ أَسْئَلُكَ الْمُعَافَاةَ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ
TRANSLATION: O Allaah! I beg from You Aafiya (peace, safety, good health) in this world as well as in the Aakhirah.
[Ibn Maajah 3851, from Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah t]
(5) An Important Act and its Virtue Some important practices for women to note
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “When a woman performs her five daily Salaahs, fasts during Ramadhaan, guards her chastity and obeys her husband, she will be told to enter Jannah from whichever door she pleases.”
[Ahmad 1664, from Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Auf (RA)]
(6) A Sin Breaking oaths
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “Verily those who purchase a small gain (of this world) at the cost of (breaking) Allaah’s covenant and (at the cost of breaking) their oaths (that they make with others), such people have no portion (of good) in the Aakhirah. Allaah will neither speak to them (with compassion) nor look at them (with mercy) on the Day of Qiyaamah, and will not purify (forgive) them. They shall have a painful punishment”.
[Surah Aal Imraan, verse 77]
(7) This World Never be content with the life of this world
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “Indeed those who do not wish to meet Us, who are pleased and contented with the life of the world (because they do not believe in the Aakhirah and have no concern for the Aakhirah) and who are indifferent towards Our Aayaat, these are the ones whose abode (final resting place) shall be the Fire (of Jahannam) because of what they earn (because of their incorrect beliefs and their sins)”.
[Surah Yunus, verses 7-8]
(8) The Aakhirah The scene of Qiyaamah
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “If you knew what I know (about the scene of the Aakhirah), you would laugh less and weep more.”
[Bukhaari 6486, from Hadhrat Anas (RA)]
(9) Cures from the Qur’aan and Rasulullaah (SAW) Honey as treatment for stomach ailments
A man once came to Rasulullaah (SAW) saying, “My brother is suffering from diarrhoea.” “Give him honey to drink,” Rasulullaah (SAW) said. The man went, gave honey to his brother, and then returned saying, “O Rasulullaah (SAW)! I gave him honey but it only made his diarrhoea worse.” “Go and give him honey to drink,” Rasulullaah (SAW) repeated. The man went, again gave his brother honey, and then returned yet again saying, “His diarrhoea is now even worse.” Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “Allaah speaks the truth and it is your brother’s belly that is lying. Go and give him honey.” This time when the man gave honey to his brother, he was completely cured.
[Bukhaari 5684, from Hadhrat Abu Sa’eed Khudri (RA)]
(10) Advice from Rasulullaah (SAW)
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “Revere Allaah and prostrate your head before him and He will forgive you.”
[Ahmad 21227, from Hadhrat Abu Dardaa (RA)]