5 Minute Madressa for the 6th of Jamaadul Ula

(1) Islaamic History The men of Suffa
When the Masjidun Nabawi was built, a platform was erected in one corner and known as the Suffa. It was from this platform from where the teachings of Islaam, propagation and nurturing of the Muslims took place. The men who lived here were known as As’haabus Suffa (the Men of Suffa). These men devoted their lives to Ibaadah, serving Rasulullaah (SAW) and learning the teachings of Islaam. They had neither home nor any occupation. When any food came to Rasulullaah (SAW), he either gave it to them or shared it with them. Teachers were appointed to instruct them in Deen and teach them the Qur’aan. For this reason, most of them were regarded as Qurraa and were dispatched to various areas to teach and propagate the Deen. The Sahabi who narrated the most Ahadeeth from Rasulullaah (SAW) was Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah (RA), who was from amongst the men of Suffa.     
(2) Rasulullaah (SAW)s Miracle The blessings of the hands of Rasulullaah (SAW)
Hadhrat Aa’idh bin Amr (RA) was injured during the Battle of Hunayn and his injury caused blood to spill on his face, beard, and chest. Rasulullaah (SAW) wiped the blood off him and made Du’aa for him. Hadhrat Aa’idh (RA) often narrated this incident to people and when he passed away and was being bathed, the area that Rasulullaah (SAW) wiped was seen to be radiating light.
[Tabraani 14460] 
(3) A Fardh Hajj

Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “O people! Hajj has been made Fardh (obligatory) upon you, so do make an effort to fulfil it.”

[Muslim 3257, from Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah (RA)] 

(4) A Sunnah The Du’aa when seeing someone in difficulty
Rasulullaah (SAW) said that when one sees another suffering from some difficulty (or handicap) and he recites the following Du’aa, Allaah will protect him from the same predicament:

اَلْحَمْدُ لِلهِ الَّذِيْ عَافَانِيْ مِمَّا ابْتَلَاكَ بِهٖ وَفَضَّلَنِي ،عَلٰى كَثِيرٍ مِّمَّنْ خَلَقَ تَفْضِيْلًا

TRANSLATION: All praise belongs to Allaah Who has granted me safety from this affliction and has favoured me tremendously over so many of His creation. 
[Ibn Maajah 3892, from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar (RA)]

(5) An Important Act and its Virtue Visiting a Muslim brother
Rasulullaah (SAW) said that when a person visits the ill or his Muslim brother for the pleasure of Allaah, an angel announces from the heavens, “May you remain well, and may your walking be blessed. You have certainly attained a lofty status in Jannah.”
[Tirmidhi 2008, from Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah (RA)] 
(6) A Sin Evil scheming
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “There shall be a severe punishment for those who devise evil schemes (to harm Islaam and the Muslims). The plots of these people will certainly be destroyed (will fail miserably)”.
[Surah Faatir, verse 10]
(7) This World The enjoyment of this world is short-lived
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “The comfort (enjoyment) of this world is short. The Aakhirah is best for those who have Taqwa. You shall not be oppressed even to the extent of the string of a date seed”.[Surah Nisaa, verse 77]
(8) The Aakhirah Every Nabi (AS) will have a pond on the Day of Qiyaamah
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “Every Nabi (AS) shall have a pond on the Day of Qiyaamah and they will compete about the number of their followers drinking from their ponds. I have hope that my pond will have the largest number of people drinking from it.”
[Tirmidhi 2443, from Hadhrat Samurah (RA)] 
(9) Cures from the Qur’aan and Rasulullaah (SAW) The benefits of Suna
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “If anything had the ability to cure death, it would be Suna.”
[Tirmidhi 2081, from Hadhrat Asmaa bint Umays (SAW)]
Suna is a plant that has leaves measuring approximately 2 inches long and an inch wide, which are extremely beneficial for constipation. It also grows little yellow flowers. 
(10) Advice from Rasulullaah (SAW)  
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “When any one of you is invited for a meal, he should accept the invitation. Thereafter, he may partake of the food if he pleases or leave it.”
[Muslim 3518, from Hadhrat Jaabir (RA)]