5 Minute Madressa for the 15th of Rabi Ul Aakhir

(1) Islaamic History The Year of Grief
Rasulullaah (SAW)’s wife Hadhrat Khadeeja (RA) and his uncle Abu Taalib were always by his side to support him. After they had left the valley, Abu Taalib fell ill and was on his deathbed when Rasulullaah (SAW) came to him. “Dear uncle!” Rasulullaah (SAW) submitted, “Please recite ‘Laa Ilaaha Illallaah’ so that I may intercede for you before Allaah.” However, some of the Mushrikeen like Abu Jahal and Abdullaah bin Umayyah were also present at the time. They taunted him saying, “Will you forsake the religion of Abdul Muttalib?” Unable to recite the Kalimah, Abu Taalib eventually passed away with the words, “I am upon the religion of Abdul Muttalib.” Rasulullaah (SAW) had hardly recovered from the sorrow of losing his uncle when his beloved wife Hadhrat Khadeeja (RA) also left this world. A mountain of grief came toppling upon him because these two people were his supports by which he was able to continue with the propagation of the message of Islaam. It was due to the loss of both of them during the same year that the year was dubbed as the Year of Grief. 
(2) Allaah’s Power Marine fish
Just as Allaah has created a multitude of foods for us on earth, He has also provided us with a treasury of food in the oceans. Man has been fishing for thousands of years, without any depletion in the resources of the oceans. It is strange that despite the difference in habitat and surroundings, there is no marked difference between fresh water and salt-water fish, all of them being most palatable. It is through the bounty of Allaah that He has provided this source of nutrition for us.
(3) A Fardh Giving true testimony
Allaah says, “O you who have Imaan! Be firm in establishing justice and be witness (to the truth) for Allaah even if it (the evidence you deliver) is against yourselves, your parents and relatives (you should expose the truth under all circumstances)”.
[Surah Nisaa, verse 135]
(4) A Sunnah The etiquette of using the toilet
Whenever Rasulullaah (SAW) used the toilet, he always wore shoes and covered his head.
[Sunan Kubra Vol.1 Pg.196]
(5) An Important Act and its Virtue Feeding one’s family
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “What you eat is Sadaqah, what you feed your children is also Sadaqah, what you feed your wife is Sadaqah and what you feed your servant is also Sadaqah.”
[Ahmad 16727, from Hadhrat Miqdaam (RA)]  
(6) A Sin Shirk and murder
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “Allaah will forgive all people except for the one who commits shirk and the one who murders his Muslim brother.”                                        [Abu Dawood 4270, from Hadhrat Abu Dardaa (RA)]
(7) This World Entertaining distant hopes
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “The thing I fear most for my Ummah is that they entertain their desires and distant hopes. Desires distances one from the truth and distant hopes makes one unmindful of the Aakhirah. This world is proceeding on every day, moving away and the Aakhirah is also moving on, drawing closer each day.”                                                [Kanzul Ummaal 43758, from Hadhrat Jaabir (RA)]
Whereas the life of this world is coming to an end, the Aakhirah is coming nearer all the time. It is therefore necessary to start preparing for the Aakhirah.    
(8) The Aakhirah The rewards of those who do good
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “Those who have Imaan and who do righteous deeds will be in the gardens of Jannaat. They shall have whatever they desire with their Rabb (in Jannah). This is definitely a great favour (from Allaah because entry into Jannah is impossible without Allaah’s favour)”.                                                       [Surah Shura, verse 22]
(9) Cures from the Qur’aan and Rasulullaah (SAW) Paralysis of the hands
When a person once suffered paralysis of his hands and feet, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas (RA) said to him, “Think of your most beloved personality. “Muhammad (SAW)!” the man said. He was then cured.
[Ibus Sunni 169]
(10) Qur’aanic Advice  
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “O you who have Imaan! (Always) Stand upright (steadfastly) for Allaah (by obeying all His commands and defending His Deen), bearing testimony with justice (testify without shortcomings or excesses regardless of whom the testimony may affect). Let not (your) hatred for a nation provoke you to be unjust (towards them). Be just! It is closer to Taqwa. Fear (the punishment of) Allaah! Indeed Allaah is Informed of what you do (and He will punish you for behaving unjustly)”.
[Surah Maa’idah, verse 8]