FREEDOM???Hakeemul Ummah Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Sahib رحمه الله has said that today there exists the notion that we are free to do whatever we are desirous of; and this has affected the majority of people including the ones that are considered religious.... read more


THE CURSE OF LIBERALISMHakeemul Ummah Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Sahib رحمه الله has said that in this era, there is a raging storm of liberalism sweeping the world. Respect and reverence for Deen has been eliminated from the hearts. This disease of... read more


TO SAVE ONESELF FROM SIN IS BELOVED TO ALLAH TA’ALAHazrat Mufti Ahmad Khānpoori Sahib حفظه الله has related that Imam Ghazali رحمه الله has written in Ihya-ul-Uloom of the episode of Sheikh Sulaimān bin Yassar رحمه الله who was an extremely knowledgeable and... read more


THE INHERENT NATURE OF WOMEN Hakeemul Ummah Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Sahib رحمه الله has said that women by nature are modest. A wealthy individual inclined to the shameless ways of the west once ordered his wife to discard her Purdah, but she refused. One... read more


THE SCOURGE OF TELEVISION There is no doubt that television has become an integral part of our lives and we are bombarded with immodesty, nudity and obscenity. It is as if our sense of morality is desensitised. How absurd is that the entire family sits in one room... read more


A RAPID DECLINE…. Hazrat Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه has narrated that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said that faith or belief consists of more than sixty branches or parts, and Hayaa is a (big) part of faith. There is no English definition for the word... read more