5 Minute Madressa for the 13th of Rabi Ul Awwal

(1) Islaamic History The Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj
The Qur’aan speaks of the Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj, who are human beings like all others, who were the progeny of the children of Hadhrat Nooh (AS). They are a nation of war mongers, who are very powerful and used to attack neighbouring nations, kill them and rob them of their valuables. To protect others from them, Hadhrat Dhul Qarnayn F built a wall to prevent them from escaping their land. Rasulullaah (SAW) has mentioned in a Hadith that when Hadhrat Isa (AS) will be ruling the people just before Qiyaamah, the Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj will break through their wall and will be seen streaming down the hills with great speed and in great numbers. When they pass the Tiberius lake, those in the front will drink up all the water, leaving it completely dried up. Hadhrat Isa (AS) and his followers will make Du’aa to Allaah to be saved from these hordes, because of which a plague will spread amongst them (the Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj), causing them all to die.
(2) Allaah’s Power The Lips
Allaah has created the lips as doorways to the mouth to close and open them as needed. Without the lips, the face would appear unsightly with the teeth visible and it would also make the mouth vulnerable to all sorts of germs and insects. The lips also aid extensively in pronouncing letters and in eating and drinking. They are yet another example of the tremendous powers of Allaah. Allaah speaks about this great bounty in the Qur’aan as well.
(3) A Fardh Distribution of inheritance
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “Distribute inheritance amongst the rightful heirs as commanded by the Book of Allaah.”
[Muslim 4143, from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas (RA)]
When a person passes away and leaves some wealth behind, it will be Waajib (compulsory) to distribute this wealth amongst his heirs. It is not permissible to deprive any of the rightful heirs from their shares without a valid reason found in the Shari’ah and it is also not permissible to give any of them less than they deserve.
(4) A Sunnah Accepting gifts
Hadhrat Aa’isha (RA) reports that Rasulullaah (SAW) accepted gifts and always gave something in return.
[Bukhaari 2585]
(5) An Important Act and its Virtue Patience during difficulty
Rasulullaah (SAW) said that Allaah will forgive a person’s sins because of his patience each time he feels some fatigue, illness, worry and any other difficulty, even though it be a prick of a thorn.
[Bukhaari 5641, from Hadhrat Abu Sa’eed Khudri (RA) and Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah (RA)]
(6) A Sin Demanding a divorce with reason
Rasulullaah (SAW) said that a woman will not even smell the fragrance of Jannah if she demands a divorce from her husband without a valid reason.
[Abu Dawood 2226, from Hadhrat Thowbaan (RA)]
(7) This World Wealth is a test
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “There had been a test for every Ummah and the test of my Ummah shall be wealth.”
[Tirmidhi 2336, from Hadhrat Ka’b bin Ayaadh (RA)]
(8) The Aakhirah The Day of Qiyaamah
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “When Qiyaamah will take place there shall be none to deny its occurrence. It will lower (those Kuffaar who behaved haughtily in this world) and elevate (those humble and sincere Mu’mineen who were looked down upon in this world). (Qiyaamah will be the day) When the earth shall convulse (shake uncontrollably) with violent earthquakes. And the mountains will be shattered to pieces and become like scattered dust (floating about in the air)”.
[Surah Waaqi’ah, verses 1-6]
(9) Cures from the Qur’aan and Rasulullaah (SAW) Cure through the Du’aa of Hadhrat Jibra’eel (AS)
Hadhrat Aa’isha (RA) reports that when Rasulullaah (SAW) fell ill, Hadhrat Jibra’eel (AS) recited the following Du’aa and blew on him:

بِسْمِ اللهِ يُبْرِيْكَ وَمِنْ كُلِّ دَاءٍ يَّشْفِيْكَ
وَمِنْ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ وَشَرِّ كُلِّ ذِيْ عَيْنٍ

[Muslim 5699]
(10) Qur’aanic Advice
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “Spend in the path (obedience) of Allaah (in worship and Jihaad) and do not throw your own hands (do not lead yourselves) into destruction. Do good, for Allaah certainly loves those who do good”.
[Surah Baqara, verse 195]