Hazrat Moulana Yunus Patel Sahib رحمه الله has said that Mullah Alī Qāri رحمه الله has defined the reality of Hayaa as that your Mowla (Master) (جل جلاله) must not find you in any place or indulging in any action which He has forbidden.

Hazrat رحمه الله has shared an incident of a Sahabi رضي الله عنه who was advising another Sahabi رضي الله عنه who was extremely modest. He was telling him not to be so shy. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم heard this and said; “Leave him, modesty is part of Īmān.” (Bukhāri)

Hayaa is expressly and distinctively mentioned in the Hadīth; and establishes modesty as an important branch of Īmān. When a person has the conscious awareness of Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله, he feels shy to disobey Him. Taqwa and the conscious awareness of Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله serve as a protection, security and barrier from sin….. The need is to remind ourselves repeatedly that Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله is Ever Watchful. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم has explained the quality of Ihsaan as:
أن تعبد الله كأنك تراه فإن لم تكن تراه فإنه يراك
‘That you worship Allah Ta’ala as if you are seeing Him, and if you cannot see Him, then He sees you.’

The believer has to nurture the sublime qualities of Taqwa, Ihsaan and Hayaa. The simplest way of obtaining these noble qualities is the companionship of the Ahlullāh. The company of the Ahlullāh serves as a ‘safety belt’ against disobedience; it is therefore an integral part of Ma’ārifah.

(Hazrat Moulana Yunus Patel Sahib رحمه الله)