(1) Islaamic History Hadhrat Uzayr (AS)
Hadhrat Uzayr (AS) was sent as a Nabi to the Bani Israa’eel approximately 450 years before Hadhrat Isa (AS). He had memorised the entire Torah. Although the Bani Israa’eel initially refused to accept that he was a Nabi, they later became so convinced about him and began to love him so much that they regarded him to be Allaah. It was during the time of Hadhrat Uzayr (AS) that the tyrant Bukht Nasser demolished Baytul Muqaddas. Allaah then gave Hadhrat Uzayr u the command to reinhabit Baytul Muqaddas, but when Hadhrat Uzayr u got there and saw everything destroyed; he wondered how it was possible for the place to be inhabited again. Allaah then put him to sleep for a hundred years and then woke him up. When he awoke, Allaah asked him how long he thought he had slept. He guessed that it was a day or even less. Allaah then informed him that a hundred years had passed since he had fallen asleep and that he should look at how Allaah preserved his food for all that while, but that his donkey had died and decomposed. Thereafter, Allaah gave life back to his donkey before his eyes and he saw that Baytul Muqaddas was again inhabited and back to life.
(2) Allaah’s Power Three thousand taste buds on the tongue
Allaah has given us the great boon of our tongues, which we need to speak and to taste. For this, Allaah has created three thousand taste buds on our tongues that are microscopic, but which will tell us whether the food we are eating is sweet, salty or otherwise. Without these, we would be unable to tell the differences between tastes and lack enjoyment in so many things.
(3) A Fardh Believing in all the Ambiyaa (AS) of Allaah
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “Those (Muslims) who believe in Allaah and His Rusul and do not draw a distinction between any of them (they believe in all Allaah’s prophets without exception), they are the ones to whom We shall soon give their rewards. Allaah is ever Most Forgiving, Most Merciful”.
[Surah Nisaa, verse 152]
It is Fardh (obligatory) to believe in all the Ambiyaa i that Allaah sent to guide mankind.
(4) A Sunnah Do not find fault in food
Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah (RA) reports that Rasulullaah (SAW) never found fault with any food. If he liked it, he would eat it and if not, he would not eat.
(5) A Nafl Treating the friends of one’s father well
Rasulullaah (SAW) mentioned that amongst the best of all deeds is to treat the friends of one’s father well.
(6) A Sin Allaah does not like wastage
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “Eat, drink (what is Halaal without being greedy) but do not waste for indeed He (Allaah) does not like those who waste”.
[Surah A’raaf, verse 31]
(7) This World The consequences of chasing after this world
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “The person who chases after this world has nothing to do with Allaah and the person who allows himself to be humiliated (for worldly gains) has nothing to do with us.”
[Targheeb wat Tarheeb]
(8) The Aakhirah The everlasting punishment of Jahannam
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “Indeed those who reject our Aayaat, We shall soon enter them into the (blazing) Fire. Whenever their skins melt (in Jahannam), We shall exchange them for (replace them with) fresh skins so that they may taste the (full extent of the continuous) punishment. Undoubtedly Allaah is Mighty (He has no difficulty in meting out such punishment), The Wise (He knows why every person should receive what punishment)”.
[Surah Nisaa, verse 56]
(9) Cures from the Qur’aan and Rasulullaah (SAW) The Du’aa for good eyesight
To improve the eyesight, recite the following verse three times after every Salaah, blow on the thumbs and pass them over the eyes:
فَكَشَفْنَا عَنْكَ غِطَاءَكَ فَبَصَرُكَ الْيَوْمَ حَدِيْدٌ
TRANSLATION: We have removed your veils from you and your vision is ever sharp today.
[Surah Qaaf, verse 22]
(10) Qur’aanic Advice
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “(The Mu’mineen who are not like the rest of mankind are) Those who give due regard to (fulfilling) their trusts (things placed in their trust) and their promises, who stand firm by their testimony (they do not allow anything to change their testimony) and who guard their Salaah (ensure that the time and method of performing Salaah are correct and they never allow any Salaah to pass by unperformed). These people shall be honoured in the gardens of Jannah”.
[Surah Ma’aarij, verses 32-35]