The Honour Of Rasulullah (S.A.W)

The Honour Of Rasulullah (S.A.W)

” The Prophet S.A.W was the Embodiment of Excellence

The Prophet S.A.W possessed excellences beyond measure. Qāsimal-‘Ulūm wal-Khayrāt, Shaykh Mawlānā Muḥammad Qāsim Nānotwī  says: All the excellences of the whole creation are to be found in you alone; But your excellences, except a few, cannot be found in anyone else.
The excellences of Ādam a.s, Mūsā a.s, Dāwūd a.s and of all the other Prophets A.S combined can be found in the Prophet S.A.W. He
is like a bouquet made up of every excellence. ”

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