Responsibilities Of Religious Institutes And Organization

Responsibilities Of Religious Institutes And Organization

” When Allāh ta‛ālā willed for the preservation of His Book, the Qur’ān – and through it, His Dīn – He made human efforts the means for it. Subsequently, we find hundreds and thousands of people memorizing it. This system has been continuing from the very beginning and continues to this day. Since the biography of Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‛alayhi wa sallam and all the injunctions of the Sharī‛ah are linked to the Qur’ān, the preservation of the Qur’ān entails preservation of the entire Dīn. These are in accordance with Allāh’s decisions and a divine system so that Dīn remains and no changes whatsoever take place in it. ”

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