Aqwal E Salaf Vol – 3
” It is an undeniable fact that it is not possible for an author to encompass all the biographies and priceless statements of Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‛alayhi wa sallam, the Sahābah radiyallāhu ‛anhum, the Tābi‛ūn, the Taba‛ Tābi‛ūn, and the sulahā’ (righteous), Sufis, mashā’ikh, imāms and ‛ulamā’. However, to my knowledge, there is no book like Aqwāl-e-Salaf in the Urdu language wherein the lives and biographies of the holy
personalities are related, the manner in which these have been arranged, the excellent way in which they were selected, and the notes and comments which were added.
The unique effect of this book and its benefits have been expressed by senior and erudite ‛ulamā’ of our time. Their impressions and thoughts serve as just testimonies to the greatness and benefit of this book. Rarely would one find so many testimonies for a book. ”